Welcome to Old Standard Wood, the world-wide leader in sales and production of Adirondack Spruce. With over two decades of experience, we have cut, processed, and shipped thousands of sets of Adirondack, both to individual luthiers and as a major supplier to companies such as CF Martin, Taylor, Gibson, Guild, Collings, Bedell, Santa Cruz, and Eastman. We only harvest and market true red spruce from pure stands in mixed hardwood forest growth. Much of our spruce comes from the Adirondack region harvested from high elevation, old growth trees.

In addition to Adirondack, we are also a source for other tone woods including Curly Maple for guitars, mandolins, and orchestral instruments.

Old Standard Wood is also proud to be a dealer for Collings Guitars & Mandolins and Eastman Guitars.  For more information on these custom-built exclusive instruments, please visit our Instruments For Sale page.

For specific pricing and wood information, check out our GuitarMandolin, and Orchestral pages. To place an order or for general inquiries, please contact us at jgriffin@socket.net or 573.642.8900.

Thanks for visiting!